The sim cargo headquarters
From depot support to network coordination – the sim cargo system headquarters in Homberg/Efze and Sinzig (Rhine) is home to competent personnel working hand-in-hand to ensure smooth procedures with maximum quality.
Having a direct line to our partners is particularly important to us. Our service team would be delighted to help you and offer rapid solutions.
The System Headquarters is structured into five departments.
The Strategy department deals with the medium and long-term development of the company. It is your contact for suggestions, ideas and developments that you would like to see from your network.
The Operations department is responsible for the cost-efficient operation, development and monitoring of the production structures of sim cargo in order to provide you with optimal process costs.
In the Sales department you will find your contact persons for cooperation.
The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) department is responsible for setting up and developing the FITs logistics platform. Do you have questions about IT at sim cargo? Then you have come to the right place!
The Finance department is responsible for administrative processes and the financial control, development and monitoring of sim cargo. Your advantage: all payment flows, debit and credit, via one contact.
Billing Department, Central Claims Processing, all the way to Business Development International:
Find out who your contacts are at sim cargo.

Rudolf-Diesel-Straße 7
34576 Homberg (Efze)
Rastenweg 8
53489 Sinzig